Amsterdam Expats

Amsterdam Slotervaart

1 star district

Slotervaart is situated just outsite the inner city ring road in the west of the city. 45,000 inhabitants live in Slotervaart. Most of them are under 50 years of age.
A quarter of all housing in Sloterdijk are owner-occupied properties. 50 percent are social rent houses.
Youth hanging around, crime and rubbish on the streets are the main problems inhabitants complain about. Complaints about parking and traffic are rare.

Property in Amsterdam Slotervaart

With 26.2 percent of owner-occupied houses, Slotervaart is the district with most owner-occupied houses after Osdorp. On average, dwellings in Slotervaart have 3.6 rooms. That is the same number as ZuiderAmstel. However, the average value of homes in Slotervaart is 36,000 lower and valued at €192,000.

Accessibility of Amsterdam Slotervaart

Slotervaart is best accessible by public transport like train, metro, tram and bus. The nearest station is 'station Lelylaan'. Biking is an option but because Slotervaart is situated outside the center ring road some destinations might be a little far.
Your car can be parked for free until 2008. In that year Slotervaart intends to introduce paid parking.

3 stars
Public transport:
4 stars
2 stars 

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