Amsterdam Expats

Amsterdam ZuiderAmstel

5 star district

District ZuiderAmstel is situated on the south border of Amsterdam.
From 47,000 inhabitants, 40 percent is above 50 years of age and 21 percent is over 65 years of age. That is the highest percentage of inhabitants over 65. 20 percent of ZuiderAmstel inhabitants are expats or western foreigners.
Inhabitants are spread over 28,000 households. Most of the households are single person households (almost 58%). 25 percent of the households are formed by people with a low income. On average, inhabitants of ZuiderAmstel earn more than the average Dutchman.
People in ZuiderAmstel complain most about bad sphere and noise caused by building activities. Inhabitants complain least about garbage, youth hanging around and crime.

Property in Amsterdam ZuiderAmstel

23.4 percent of all property in ZuiderAmstel is owner-occupied property. The average value of all property in ZuiderAmstel is €228,000. Only property in Oud-zuid and Centrum is higher valued. ZuiderAmstel is a popular district because of its good location and the nice property. Also, in ZuiderAmstel the average home has 3.6 rooms. Only in Westpoort the average number of rooms is higher.

Accessibility of Amsterdam ZuiderAmstel

ZuiderAmstel is easily accessible. Most destinations can be reached easily by bike. Alternatively, you can get everywhere by car, metro, tram and bus. However, parking in ZuiderAmstel might be a problem. Parking places are rare and you have to pay for parking. Parking permit for ZuiderAmstel can be obtained at the Dienst Stadstoezicht. The wait is approximately half a year.

3 stars
Public transport:
3 stars
3 stars 

Overview property in ZuiderAmstel

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Schools in Amsterdam ZuiderAmstel

ZuiderAmstel contains 15 primary schools and 9 secundary schools. Also the Amsterdam International Community School is situated in ZuiderAmstel. It provides education for children in the age of 4 to 19.

In general Dutch primary education in ZuiderAmstel is good. Many didactical principals are represented as well as different religious backgrounds. The schools are situated well spread in ZuiderAmstel.
Secundairy education is good. The schools are of variable size and religious backgrounds and offer education of comparable quality.